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Pay a visit to Nagytétény Mansion and emerge in the timeless charm of rocking horses! Prepared since centuries from the most various materials and using the most diverse techniques, nothing else can attract children’s attention as much as this toy, on which generations of young riders gallop over mountains and rivers even nowadays …

Indulging in their unusual passion, Dr Mária Ladó and Dr Ferenc Imre Török have been collecting rocking horses for three decades. But it is not just rocking horses they collect: their interest embraces all fields of art dealing with our childhood favourites.

In this exhibition the most beautiful items of their collection are completed with artworks from the collection of the Museum of Applied Arts. If you are longing for playing or for a bit of nostalgic feeling you can visit the show, offering playful solutions, a series of programmes for all generations and museum education programmes as well, in Nagytétény Mansion from advent to the beginning of the year 2018.

OPENING – 11:00 a.m., 25 November 2017
Opening address by art historian and university lecturer Júlia Tészabó
Guided tour through the exhibition by curators Dr Mária Ladó és Dr Ferenc Imre Tóth, lecturers at Szeged University

11.30–15.00 Children’s programmes
Cellux group community workshop
Museum education workshop:
- preparing badges
- decorating plaster cast horses
Experience room:
- rocking horses to be tried
- colouring leaflets
- puzzle
- hobby horses

The exhibition is open from 25 November 2017.
Nagytétényi Kastély, 1225 Budapest, Kastélypark u. 9–11.



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