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Throughout the Danube region, Art Nouveau is a defining feature of many urban landscapes. Yet, the potential of Art Nouveau monuments for becoming sites of vibrant communal life, as well as tourist attractions is often left unexplored and unrealized. The partnership of 10 partner organizations from 7 countries in the Danube region recognized this potential. Responding to the needs for sustainable and harmonized protection, revitalization and promotion of Art Nouveau, this partnership devised a series of interconnected cross-sectoral activities covering the full cycle of its protection and revival.

As a result, the Art Nouveau values and monuments will be revered and cherished by inhabitants, tourists and future generations instead of being lost to them as relicts of the past. Apart from its immediate and palpable results, this project will ultimately achieve an invaluable one: harnessing cohesive potential of the Art Nouveau cultural heritage in Danube region.

Lead Partner:
Oradea Municipality

Project Partners:
Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest
Szeged and Surroundings Tourism Nonprofit Ltd., Szeged
Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana
MAK Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art, Vienna
International Council for Monuments and Sites - ICOMOS, Bucharest
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, Bucharest
Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb
City of Subotica, Subotica
Republic Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Belgrade
National Academic Library and Information System Foundation, Sofia
Réseau Art Nouveau Network, Brussels

The aim of the project:
The aim of the Sustainable protection and promotion of Art Nouveau heritage in the Danube Region project funded by the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme is to draw attention to the unique Art Nouveau heritage of the region, and to the importance of its professional preservation. Therefore, the project partners will contribute with postgraduate courses for restorers and building a database. In addition to urban planning, protection and preservation of cultural heritage, tourism and the promotion of the Art Nouveau heritage will also play a major role, so the Hungarian initiative World Day of Art Nouveau (10 July) will also be enhanced during the project. The project partners represent the big museums and institutes for protection of monuments of the region.

The realisation of the project:
The Museum of Applied Arts is going to coordinate the following tasks: Professional collaboration and research, scientific cooperation in research and conservation of Art Nouveau building elements, development of research plans, preparation of working papers, and organisation of workshops. This project also deals with the questions of urban planning and protection of Art Nouveau cultural heritage; the aim is to develop directives, which help to the successful integration of the Art Nouveau buildings into the urban setting. In addition to urban planning and cultural development this project pays attention to the influence exerted by their present-day, modern function on the buildings. Realisation of the project elements: master courses in Art Nouveau heritage, building databases, coordination of the work of professionals. Headline target is to identify the distinctive feature of the Art Nouveau heritage in the Danube Region, in particular the research into building elements, e.g. architectural ceramics.

The Museum of Applied Arts is going to take part in the following tasks: project management and coordination, project meetings, communication campaigns – internet, promotional materials and press releases, opening and closure events, professional coordinating board for the research of Art Nouveau architecture, data service to build the database of Art Nouveau architecture in the Danube Region, documentation of the damaged Art Nouveau heritage in the Danube Region, proposals on Hungarian buildings, organising workshops on Art Nouveau building heritage; in field of research activities: checking materials made by project partners, building database on professionals (architects, researchers, restorers) of Art Nouveau building heritage, production of a film about the Art Nouveau building heritage, development of mobile app about Art Nouveau architecture.

Budget of the project:
The total budget of the project is ca. 2 000 000 EUR, from which the share of the Museum of Applied Arts is 196 056 EUR.

Schedule of the project:
Launch of project: 1 January 2017
End of project: 30 June 2019

Further information: www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/art-nouveau

The project is realised as part of the Danube Transnational Programme, with the financial support of the European Regional Development Fund, the European Union and the Hungarian state.

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