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As part of the project Sustainable protection and promotion of the Art Nouveau heritage in the Danube region, the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts is pleased to invite you and your partner to the conference and workshop Restoring Art Nouveau.

In the conference section, experts from many fields will present examples of successful Art Nouveau building restorations and the protection of Art Nouveau heritage at various points in the Danube region, while the workshops deal with technical questions of restoration.

Conference – Museum of Applied Arts,
Budapest, 6 November 2017

Morning session 9.00–12.15

Chair: József Sisa
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for the Humanities, Institute of Art History)

9.00–9.15 Welcoming address by Zsombor Jékely
(Director of Collections, Budapest Museum of Applied Arts)

9.15–9.45 Peter Trowles
(Mackintosh Curator, Glasgow School of Art)
Keynote lecture on behalf of the Réseau Art Nouveau Network:
The restoration and redecoration of the Glasgow School of Art

9.45–10.15 László Czifrák
(Hungarian National Museum, Budapest)
Conservation experience of Zsolnay architectural ceramics from the entrance hall of the Budapest Museum of Applied Arts

10.15–10.45 Coffee break

10.45–11.15 Eva Radolovic, Aleksandra Laslo
(City Institute for the Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Zagreb)
Renovation of two Zagreb residential buildings – comparative analysis of two façade restorations

11.15–11.45 Aleksa Ciganovic
(Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia)
Decades of restoring Subotica’s Synagogue

11.45¬12.15 Gábor Dömötör
(independent researcher, Subotica)
Restoration of the Raichle Palace in Subotica

Afternoon session 14.00–16.30

Chair: Pál Ritoók
(Hungarian Academy of Arts)

14.00–14.30 Astrid Huber
(Federal Monuments Authority Austria (BDA), Information and Training Centre for Architectural Conservation Kartause Mauerbach)
Architectural surfaces and plaster façades around and after 1900

14.30–15.00 Günther Fleischer
(OFI, Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology)
Preliminary investigations for the restoration of the natural stone façade from the Steinhof church by Otto Wagner

15.00–15.30 Coffee break

15.30–16.00 Iozefina Postavaru
(National Institute of Heritage, Bucharest)
Restoring Art Nouveau buildings in deep and wide Romania: The Evangelical Schoolin Cincșor and the Sofian House in Botoșani

16.00–16.30 Ramona Novicov
(Faculty of Construction, Cadastre and Architecture, Oradea)
The lost beauty rediscovered: The Black Eagle and Moskovits Adolf Palaces, examples of good practices in restoration

Workshop – Museum of Applied Arts,
Budapest, 7 November 2017

International restoration workshop and roundtable discussion

Ágnes Baricza, Bernadett Bajnóczi, Csaba Szabó, Mária Tóth
(Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research - Archeometry Research Group)
Deterioration of Zsolnay architectural ceramics due to environmental factors

10.00–10.30 Coffee break

Astrid Huber, Karl Stingl
(Federal Monuments Authority Austria (BDA), Information and Training Centre for Architectural Conservation Kartause Mauerbach)
The interaction of plaster surfaces and facing brickwork on Art Nouveau façades

The Museum of Applied arts is entitled to change the above programme.
The language of the conference and the workshop is English with no interpreting.
Participation in the programme is free of charge, but please register here before 2 November 2017.


Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI).The project is realised as part of the Danube Transnational Programme, with the financial support of the European Regional Development Fund, the European Union and the Hungarian state.


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