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In spring 2012,the Museum of Applied Arts joined in a large-scale international art nouveau digitisation project. The results are being published on the Europeana portal. The project is funded by the EU and involves a total of 23 institutions. Over a period of 24 months, the participants will upload some 75,000 digital photographs into the Europeana system and their own collection portals, with detailed and standardised descriptive data. The Museum is digitising 1000 prominent items of its internationally-renowned art nouveau collection, as well as outstanding examples of Hungarian art nouveau architecture.

The project will involve 3D scanning of about 2000 objects, and the resulting 3D models will also become accessible as a result of the venture. A total of 6200 items will be digitised by the Museum and included in the Europeana portal by March 2014. 3D virtual models of 100 selected art works will be ready by September 2013.

The Museum is also coordinating promotion of the project throughout Europe, and is running the joint English-language Partage Plus website, which has further information on the project.

The art works already digitised under the project are accessible in the Museum's collections database in the virtual exhibitions Art nouveau objects and Art nouveau architecture. Material is already available in the Europeana portal as well - you can start browsing with the following links:

Material digitised by partners in the framework of the Partage Plus project

Material digitised by the Museum of Applied Arts

Showcase of 3D content created in the framework of the project




Last modified 2021. January 30. 15:17:15

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