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The Archive preserve a highly diverse collection. Nearly seven thousand items in the collection of sketches, drawings and paintings include original plans of craft objects and the original plans for the Museum by Ödön Lechner and associates. Drawings left by many artists are included in the collection, the most notable being Gyula Jungfer, Géza Maróti Rintel, Lajos Kozma, Gyula Kaesz, Kató Lukáts and Álmos Jaschik.

The prints collection also comprises about seven thousand items, mainly art prints and art supplements of newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries.

The manuscript collection comprises several tens of thousands of documents under five thousand inventory numbers. They include the inventory of movable art objects in Hungary from the legacy of Elemér Kőszeghy, and records taken by Erik Fügedy of endangered collections. There are also guild documents, pattern books, personal correspondence and research documents.

The Museum's own historical documents from the period of its foundation in the 1870s up to the 1960s are also held in the Document Collection.

View items of the Archive Collection in the collections database.


Last modified 2020. June 3. 14:46:47

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